Chris Pennebaker '15

I found my voice gradually at the College of Charleston. There was never one defining moment or experience that changed everything. It started my freshman year when I took a leap and applied to be an RA. My voice got louder (both literally and figuratively) my sophomore year when I became a Charleston 40 tour guide and orientation intern. Then Junior year, I took on the challenge of leading my own Alternative Break trip to Greece.

By the end of that trip, I felt that I had truly "found my voice," but I know that through every experience there is an opportunity to find your voice again, to discover more about yourself and your goals, to put yourself out there.

The College of Charleston helped me find my voice and taught me that it's ok to always be in a period of self discovery.  

Chris Pennebaker
Class of 2015

Want to share your story about how you found your voice at CofC?  Email your story to  Please include your name and graduation year.